Over 200 years in the future, humanity has abandoned reality and chosen to upload themselves into Net Space, a digital, interconnected world, divided into several factions surrounding different idols who compete every four years to win followers to their side.There’s Macro Space’s Ai E, a hardworking, easily flustered girl trying to regain her lost position; Goggle Space’s G Chrome, a logical competitor using her wealth and data troves in a bid to secure the lead; Mosaic Space’s Higitsune, a haughty, elusive idol enjoying the competition itself; Ai Space’s Sarifa, an eloquent fashionista willing to bet it all; and Luna Space’s Tsukikage, a minor idol hoping to finally gain some recognition.
Thread Updated: 2019-11-16
Release Date: 2019-11-16
Developer/Publisher: Circus/MangaGamer
Censorship: No Sexual Content
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
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Thanks @Krull for sig. Have a happy retirement.
Bae: Thrown, bas, Pepe, Taz, klx, RedKnight, wep, CLD4