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VN Others Completed Dies irae DX [Light]

Download links are at the bottom of the post



Dies irae” is a one-of-a-kind urban fantasy battle opera.
The foundation of this story is laid in the climax of WW2-era Germany, but the true design doesn’t come to light until six decades later in modern-day Japan.
Monstrous beings known as the Longinus Dreizehn Orden have far transcended the limits of humanity.
The very fate of the cosmos, the very Throne of God is laid bare and ready to be seized!​

Updated: 2017-12-19
Developer/Publisher: light /
VNDB: Dies irae
Title: Dies irae
Original title: ディエス・イレ
Length: Very long (> 50 hours)
Censorship: No
Version: DX package
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: Full Voice

2dcg, combat, fantasy, male protagonist, superpowers, Japanese, voiced


  1. No need to install.
  2. Run malie.exe to start ~Amantes amentes~ all ages version of Dies Irae.
  3. Run malie_fabla to start ~Acta est Fabula~ 18+ version of Dies Irae.
  4. !!!You can start ~Acta est Fabula~ without completing routes in ~Amantes amentes~.

Walkthrough and recommended route order:

Game originally shared here:



Dies irae DX package contains both:
~Amantes amentes~ (15+ version)
~Acta est Fabula~ (18+ version) in English.



Extra Info:

Someone asked here if Dies Irae is the MangaGamer DX version.
It is not.
What this is – is the Steam version with the MangaGamer adult patch, a crack for the Steam version and a Cracked .exe for the adult patch.
The cracked exe is to bypass the need of completing a route in the Steam version in order to unlock the adult version.
It’s basically the same thing advertised in the MangaGamer’s DX version thanks to the cracked exe.

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