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Unreal Engine Abandoned Dark Chapters: Alien Breeder [v0.2.2 Alpha] [Nimuraa]

Download links are at the bottom of the post

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You are living in a small colony named Corvenge in the deep space, far away from the Human Empire. As in most distant colony, there is always some soldiers to help local authority, or to do some intelligence. You are a pilot in this small detachment.

You were in duty when an unknown ship enter your space. You’ve tried to contact it, but no answer. Your superior tells you to take your ship, and go investigate what going on.
As you approach, you see a civilian exploration ship named Aries, and it seems to belong to the megacorp Xterra.
the ship seems don’t have any damage. On the side you can see an open landing bay. Since there is no answer to your call, you decide to land and investigate.

Thread Updated: 2020-06-12
Release Date: 2020-03-19
Developer: Nimuraa PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.2 Alpha
OS: Windows 64bits (8 or 10)
Language: English

3D Game, Female Protagonist, Handjob, Vaginal sex, Rape, Combat,


Both version (DX and Vulkan) are the same game, only the graphic API used change. Use Vulkan one if you have issue with the DX version

1. Extract and run.


Release V0.2.2 Aka Facehugger 2020-06-12

  • Enemies have a little change visually (yes, there are no longer humanoid, except for Korgen)
  • Light is totally reworked
  • Save system changed (it was a huge source of crash)
  • A Log is displayed on screen
  • In menu / dialog / inventory / quest journal the game is paused
  • Some animations have been tweaked


Release V0.2.0 2020-05-11
– Quick load/save with F5 / F9
– An improved model for the player and clothes
– some sounds FX
– few modifications in gameplay

Release V0.1.2 2020-04-03
Brawling system

This is a minor release: there is nothing on the story, and the quest remain the same.
[New stuff]
– Brawling: when an enemy hit you, a brawling minigame starts. To win you must push the mouse button according to what you see on screen. If you win, enemy get damages, otherwise it’s you
– Game telemetry (it’s anonymous, and you can opt-out) : at this point it’s only tell me quest advancement + critical errors if one occurs.
– UI should be more readable / better layout on screen
– Lighting issue on middle settings. I don’t want to add more light. In fact the issue is ultra and epic are too bright (thanks to the fog).
[Bugs correction]
– Key rebinding issue: you may be able to rebind the same key to several axes. Add a check, and a reset to default
– Minor menu issue / strange messages
– Missing ceiling in corridor
– Packaging issue

v0.1.0 Alpha
Initial Release

Developer Notes:

(Use WSAD to move, mouse to look, shift to run. You can draw your weapon with the left button, or B (draw / undraw). Use must aim with right mouse button to be able to shoot with left mouse button.
You can reload your weapon with R
E is to activate something or to talk to someone.
I is for inventory, you can click a green item to use it. There is also a craft tab, just select to or more item to craft something
J is to have the quest journal. You can find some hints if you are stuck
T is to use radio (as soon you have it)
F5 to quick save, F9 to quickload. You can also select “Continue” from the game menu to restart from the last quicksave
Esc to pop the game menu

Sex Scene
This is a minigame (sort of). your goal is to make your partner cum. On the top right, there is 2 bars which represent excitement. It’s a win when your partner bar reaches the top right before you.
On the top left, you have your energy. It regenerates over time, but the most you are tired, the hardest regeneration is. Energy Is needed to use the 2 commands Hold and Double.
– Hold: you are trying to keep your excitation to his current value
– Double: You try to increase your excitements with a double rate.
The 2 last button (labelled “<<” and “>>” are to change the step in the animation: “>>” is next step … Changing the step may make you lose some excitements. But, latest steps may increase the excitement of your partner and you. Also, your partner excitement rate depends on your level of excitements.

on the bottom of the screen, you’ll find 2 mousse buttons. you must spam your mouse according to the green one.


In EngineExtrasRedisten-us you have a program : UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe launch it, it ‘s supposed to install all the prerequisites.
if it doesn’t works, try to download the missing DLL from microsoft : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads

The one you needs is https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe

In graphic option, set the “post processing” to high.















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