StarBreed It is a 3D rail shooter that features a colorful, low poly aesthetic.
The game will feature fluent arcade game play, with characters of many alien races.
Thread Updated: 2024-010-03
Release Date: 2024-10-02
Developer: Regulus Patreon – Twitter – Discord – Steam
Censored: No
Version: 0.10.1
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English
Other Games: Link
-New level: Pearlus2
-2 new Hscenes for Siren
-New Hscene with Pom
-Upgraded Siren Ability
-Added Hscene Gallery in Hscene Room
-Added Character bios in Hscene Room
-Added ability to change music in the hub via Hscene Room
-Overhauled female Aether in Hscene room
-Due to a bug Female Aether’s in-game transmissions were never in v0.8.. but she should be now.
-New pinups in the shop.
-Gave Siren an alternate hairstyle
-Added alternate outfit for Rooster
-Made it so Rooster’s passive can no longer kill the player
-Pix’s satchel no longer detonates from shooting it. It now will detonate when you press the satchel button again.
-Increased MITE and Lana attack range
-Made it so in some boss fights, Lana, MITE, and flame wave attack range are massively increased (So you can use them effectively against the Golem, and Pom.)
-Pix’s EX satchels will no longer explodes from the other satchel’s explosions.
-Added new facial variations to Pix’s 3rd and 4th Hscene.
-All controls now use the new input system
-When using a gamepad, if no UI is selected, it will now search for a button to select (previously UI being unselected would render UI navigation impossible with gamepad)
-Made it so purple attacks (purple claws, and spider attacks) now do initial damage on impact as well as their drain.
-Pausing in game now displays your ally’s abilities.
-Pom has new transmission art when she is friendly.
-Made is so in Hscenes with Female Aether toggle, the initial state will depend on whether you chose female or male aether in the hub.
-Removed “Delete Data” button on the menu screen.
Bug Fixes:
-Added affinity to Nika’s card in party select
-Fixed a bug where the “Highscore” just showed the score from the previous play of that level.
-fixed a bug where Affinity would overlap in event conversations
-fixed a bug where a part member’s name would disappear during a dialogue choice.
-Fixed a bug where Aether’s glove and jacket options didn’t work
-Fixed a bug where some ally abilities would persist during exiting camera pan.
-Fixed a bug where auto-targeting abilities would shoot at targets long passed
-Fixed a bug where you could not select no party members after you had selected some.
-Fixed a visual “flicker” when selecting party members.
-Fixed a bug where Rooster would sometimes not show their “Help” portrait properly.
-New level: Molbon2
-2 new Hscenes for Pix
-Event Hscene with Rooster and Tanya
-Upgraded Pix ability
-New primary weapon type: MITE Drones
-Apparel section via Tanya’s shop(Clothes via dialogue removed)
-Female Aether now implemented in Hub, and in-game.
-Functions for medals, medal tracking, and high score tracking
-Added alternate hair for Pix
-New dialogue for all characters between 25 Aff – 49 Aff (100 for Pix)
-New Intro to the Main menu.
-You can now skip intro cutscenes
-Finishing a level will now give +10 Affinity to Aether, and partymembers instead of +3
-Aether’s phallic and nipple color is now pink
-Clothing states now save
-Temporarily disabled female Aether options in Hscene room
-Female Aether options in HScenes now require 50 Resolve.
-Added new visuals to some water.
-Added icons for Nika and Rooster abilities.
-Molbon1 Boss now gives 20 points.
-Each dialogue will now give +4 affinity for the selected character as well.
-Affinity now locks at 49, and upon finishing the 2nd level, you will unlock up to 100. (Only availble for Pix at the moment)
-Removed enemies from Titas’ last convoy
-Added new visuals to Pom’s support crate.
-Barrel Roll 2’s cost has been reduced from 500 to 300
-Medal Thresholds have been rebalanced as follows: Bonze, Silver, Gold
Raptura: 100, 135, 170
Molbon: 100, 130, 160
Pearlus: 100, 125, 150
Neos: 100, 125, 150
Titas: 100, 115, 130
Zol’gan: 100, 130, 160
Molbon2: 100, 120, 140
Bug fixes:
-Gatling will no longer sometimes freak out if shooting at the end of a level.
-Last block in Titas now spawns at the proper time, rather than as you are transitioning to the boss fight
-Titas boss now has music
-Fixed a bug with lock-on and snap tracking. (Locking on would sometimes struggle to lock on depending on environmental issues.
-Rooster’s conversation art layering has been rearranged
-You should no longer be able to miss zone triggers in Titas.
-Changed how Route changes work in Raptura. (the pipe, and the jitter before the boss)
-Fixed a bug where “Help” sequences could give random, unrelated names/portraits despite not being present.
-You can no longer shoot through the first 2 green glass panes in Neos.(At rail carts)
-Fixed a bug with Zol’gan’s boss. Where there was a small chance it could softlock on the transition phase.
-Yet again addressed another detection issue with lasers. Lasers should be more reliable in the Titas boss fight, Molbon1 Boss fight, and likely more areas.
-Fixed a bug where planets wouldnt reset properly after backing out from the Loadout menu.
-Rooster no longer receives a reputation bonus by failing his levels condition (Them surviving until the end of the level)
FIXED-You cannot enter Raptura’s alternate route
FIXED-Pigman in Molbon2 sometimes displays him in the wrong state.
New Level: Zol’gan
New Ally: Rooster
2 Rooster Hscenes
Rooster’s abilities:
Active > Soul Siphon: Shoots a low “damage over time” beam. If an enemy is killed by this beam, a ghost will spawn by you. This ghost will periodically shoot at enemies. Ghosts are very fragile. They will die in 1 hit by practically everything (including obstacles).
Passive > Life Tap: Upon running out of Thrust Meter, you may continue to use abilities and boost at the cost of health.
- Added function to Pom’s passive. Once you have completed Neos, A box will now spawn once on every level. Destroying this box will reveal a “Power Cell”. Power Cells will give you unlimited Thrust meter for a period of time (While your jetflame is yellow).
- Changed to a new save system
- Added new SFX by Lewd K.
- Fixed an issue with Pigman and Titas’ boss where Lana (and the new ghosts) would shoot the wrong place, or off-target from the boss.
- Changed the update methods of several objects like lasers (so laser registration is more consistent)
- Lowered base opacity for all buttons (This is to hopefully make them less “aggressive” and get in the way of images like Hscenes)
- Damage-over-time effects can now kill the player. (ie. purple claws latching on to you.)
- Finishing cutscene now removes DoTs (damage-over-time)… so you can’t die during the cutscene.
- Added a vignette visual for when the player is at critical health (The edges of the screen will turn red).
- Attempted optimization on Titas (admittedly, I believe the result was quite fruitless, and likely only made minor improvements.)
-Fixed a bug where Nika would talk on planets, even if she is not unlocked or in the party.
-Increased the required motion in Gamepad movement for it to kick in. (You will likely now need to move the analog a lot more in order for the game to automatically switch to gamepad controls. This is to avoid gamepad from taking control if it has a slight drift)
New Level: Neos
New Ally: Nika
2 Nika Hscenes
Nika’s abilities:
>Reckless Play: Throw a ball of yarn out. Collecting the yarn will increase attack speed on most weapons by 1.5%, but also increase damage taken by 1.5%.
>Nimble: Doubles boost speed, and halves brake speed.
-Added the ability to review tentacle “Help” sequences in the Hscene room
-Catiya Cutscene is now colored and animated.
-Increase Charge Shot radius.
-Change Player lasers to ensure they collide with Enemies before obstacles if it collides with both on the same frame.
-Reduced Molbon boss’ tentacles HP from 1500 to 1000
-Added Party Icons to display when abilities are ready.
-Added UI alerts for when purple claws are latched on to the player.
-Increased how wide the player can aim
-Increased how far the player/camera can travel left and right on the rail in most levels.
-Reworked UI in the Hscene room.
-Fixed a bug where the player would “jitter” during certain segments of levels
-Gatling and Power shot now shoot much farther.
-Fixed a bug where Titas’ final checkpoint could still send you underground.
– Added function to the Shop, and credits.
– Added voice acting for all in-game segments, and most Hscenes.
– A few balance changes involving damage, and health.
– Added a few more SFX
– Added Barrel Roll upgrade
– Shrunk player ship by 30%
– Weeble’s beam is now Blue (To follow the game’s color coordination.)
– Added Icons to party select’s Actives/Passives.
- New level+Environment: Raptura
- New Boss: Weeble
- New Character: Lana Kova
- Party System and party supports
- Dialogue system
- 2 new Hscenes featuring Lana
- Affinity system (still not totally in effect)
- Charge shot
- New aiming system
- Temporary “Save” system. (The game will autosave any time you load into the Hub)
- Enemies now project their shots
- Enemy lasers are now much slower
- Player laser’s speed drastically increased.
- Health packs now heal more
- Purple claw enemies no longer hurt on impact, they now deal Damage over time
- Names now appear in transmission dialogue. (“Player”‘s name will likely be different in the future)
- An “innate” cooldown has been added to the primary fire. This is to limit things like extremely fast auto-clickers.
- Fixed an audio bug with some SFX
- Catiya’s Walkers no longer shoot missiles after they are dead.
- Changed default keybinds for keyboard/mouse.
- Changed some colors with the player character in some scenes.
- Game’s size has been a little more optimized.
- Game sound will now mute when pausing the game. (Except UI sounds)
- Changed UI scaling in ScoreScreen, and the hub to work better with other resolutions.
Initial Release
Developer Notes:
Mouse + Keyboard:
(Despite what you may first think, this is my recommended way of playing.)
Aiming: Mouse Movement.
Fire: LMB
Brake: RMB
Boost: MMB
Barrel Roll: X/C
Aiming: Left Stick
Fire: Square/X
Brake: Cross/A
Boost: Circle/B
Barrel Roll: L/R Bumpers
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