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Ren’Py Unexpected Adventures ReRoostered Edition [Update 5] [Mad Coop]

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ReRoostered Edition of Macadam‘s Immortal Masterpiece
Unexpected Adventures

Thread Updated: 2022-10-07
Release Date: 2022-09-28
Developer: Mad Coop (= Macadam The Chicken Bubble Butt + Myrill The Girlfriend of Macadam) – Patreon
Censorship: No
Version: Update 5
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English, French

Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Monster Girl, Ninja Chicken, Supersonic Owls, Bureaucratic Penguins


1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “UnexpectedAdventure.exe” to start playing.


2022-07-05 Update 4 Changelog HERE (<- Link. Click it!)

2022-04-09 Update 3 Changelog HERE (<- Link. Click it!)

Developer Notes:

This list may not be completed due my extremly bad memory… :/
So you may encounter things that aren’t listed here ingame.

Known bugs :

– Main menu screen is a bit missplaced, creating a small line at the left and top of the screen while in main menu.
– ENGRISH and FRENGRISH is to be expected alots!!
– Non adult Casino is NOT available, even if the button is not showed Locked.
– Kum show an accessible mission options, it’s normally locked but i forget to lock it (please excue me :/)
– The game may take some time to load, due to the heavy scripting in it.

– !! IMPORTANT !! Options selected at beginning of the game is for futur content and are definitive, but they doesn’t have effect yet! (pregnancy, smoking, scars, futas is here for allowing to continu playing next updates without restarting the whole game each times.)

– [FR] La traduction française pourrait contenir énormément de fautes d’orthographe. (Je ne suis pas académicien :/.)
– Some possible grainy renders, we try our best to keep a correct level of renders.
– The Countess mission for the first capicchoni Boss is repeatable infinitly if you didn’t choosed the sex option during Sacha and her family mission but doesn’t affect relationship (it’s the same mission all the time and the actual LAST mission for Sacha until next update.)
– Winning the jackpot in the “Rabbit’s hole” game in the Casino is extremly hard, but it’s possible, the rewards could be really MASSIVE in term of money.
– Winning a multi lines in the casino’s game “Slut Slots” may just flash 1 column, this isn’t really a bug, as all win give the same reward the game will decide to flash the first win available.
– Walkthrough can show “west america” while it’s obviously “East america”…. -_- my bad.
– some poke and stuff in some renders (it’s already in way for fixing when you read that… and will be updated with next update :p)



– [FR] La traduction Française est differente de la version Anglaise et ce présente beaucoup plus violente, insultante, sexuelle et directe.
– [ENG] French translation is different from English version and containt a way more aggressive, sexual, violente and crude style in dialogs.
– MC’s house is available from the Metro.
– Your relationship grow while you do NPC’ mission, don’t hesitate to come back talking with them, you could have different reactions.
– Some event are RNG based, this is to allow different event happening constantly, it will have more impact in futur.
theses are usually for sex events or NPCs spawning around.
– NPCs spawn in specific location. (exempl= GF spawn ONLY in living room while in home.)
– Once you located a NPC you have high chance for it to spawn in that specific place.
– If a NPC spawn in various place, he/she will spawn here randomly, but you don’t have to search for it for hours, just refresh the place by going out and in until it spawn.
– game doesn’t use time over than a day/night switch that You control. So you can do everything at once if you want. Or take all the time you want before doing something.
– You actually win money in the game (even if it’s not show yet), it will be used in futur, so you can stack high for now if you want.
– Money will NOT impact main progression AT ALL, it is only for side addition small stories and events.
– Once a NPC tell you that they have no work for you, that mean you reached the end for that NPc progression for now.
– Once a relationship level gained, insulting a NPC won’t make this relation level go down, so feel free to insult the ones you progress with to see their reactions XD
– Game doesn’t and will NEVER have GAME OVER and such, so go crazy!
– If something bad happen in the game, it will always end good anyway (exempl= not helping a NPC will still make that npc liking you.)


*This Compression is Unofficial, not released by Developer. Use at your own risk!















:coffee: Instant Human – Just Add More Coffee :coffee:

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