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Others California Strip Poker [v1.15] [Eldricus]

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A game of strip poker against multiple sexy ladies.​

Thread Updated: 2024-04-19
Release Date: 2024-02-18
Developer: Eldricus – Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 1.15
OS: Windows
Language: English
Other Games: Striple

2d game, male protagonist, point & click, stripping, teasing


1. Extract and run.


New set of Leah in the lounge, complete with a finale and an alternate position for Rosie who shares the same spot.


  • New Christmas outfit for Denise
  • New Finale for Vivian’s Christmas outfit
  • Adding a missing partners entry to Rosie+Crystal’s bedroom finale
  • Fixed a bug where finale partners were making spots unavailable for others in composite shots
  • Improved “add player” logic to prioritize players in unused composite spots
  • Improved logic for deciding who appears when multiple players are using the same composite spot. Players appearing in higher panels now have priority.

This release contains some enhancements to the “add-a-player” feature, some bug fixes, and a new outfit for Rosie in the bedroom.

  • You can now swap between defeated players by right-clicking on their portraits when more than 4 players are in the game.
  • Added a new outfit for Rosie in the bedroom, with a finale.
  • Extra players no longer will overlap with other finale players in composite shots
  • Defeated players are no longer dealt cards (this avoids running out of cards when adding many players)
  • Vivian’s fairy character now has alternate-position images for all undress levels
  • Prevented John’s avatar from being a goblin when playing in undefined locations
  • Fixed an issue where mulligans occasionally led to auto-folding on the next round
  • Fixed one of Crystal’s fully undressed composites in the bedroom to no longer hold cards
  • Added an alternate position composite for Denise in the bedroom

New changes this version:

  • Added the ability to add more players mid-game (in the dropdown menus). Must start with 4 players, and at least one of them be defeated. Replaced players images will still show up in game, and in composites if there is room for them. In streamlined mode, replacing a player gives you some money and a possible buyback.
  • Added support for alternate composite positions that can be used if two players are normally in the same spot
  • Added alternate position images for most players at the beach and inn. (fully naked only)
  • Added voice hooks for changing 0 cards
  • Added voice hooks when regaining clothing. (see candy’s voice folder for full set)
  • Added a finale for Leah’s beach outfit
  • Added a Succubus+Fairy finale at the inn
  • Added a fun drinking pose for Fairy-Vivian

Leah was accidentally turned into a character that could only played as an avatar in the last release. (And nobody noticed, so now her feelings are really hurt.)
This release fixes the Leah bug, and also includes Leah’s new barmaid outfit for the inn. The new outfit doesn’t have very many poses, but I decided to just rush it out early to fix the other issue ASAP.

New stuff in this release:

  • Candy the succubus is now playable at the inn (basic outfit with only a few poses)
  • Denise the gnome is now playable at the inn (very basic outfit with only a couple poses)
  • Sandra the knight is now playable at the inn (very basic outfit with only a couple poses)
  • Added more cross-talk lines to most of the players
  • Added more talk lines to Candy, including some she did not need. She now has _all_ the different talk lines and can be used as a reference.
  • Added some inn-specific custom dialog lines to all players
  • Fixed a bug where Rosie’s bracers were being treated as a bra
  • Fixed a bug where only the 3 existing avatars could be used as avatars


  • A new medieval inn location is available to play
  • Elf outfit for Crystal at the inn
  • Fairy outfit for Vivian at the inn
  • Warrior outfit for Rosie at the inn (limited poses)
  • Goblin avatar replaces John at the inn
  • Updated matching logic for clothing names to cover more cases
  • Added the ability to have custom voice lines when reacting to a specific player. Add _talk_to_playername to the voice file name.
  • Added a few custom voice lines for Candy reacting to Denise.


  • Vivian joins the festivities with her green Santa-girl outfit
  • New poses and finale for Rosie’s winter outfit
  • New poses and two new finales for Crystal’s ugly Christmas sweater outfit
  • Added the ability to seasonally auto-unlock outfits
  • Added the ability to filter out specific finale voices


  • The ladies will now periodically make moaning sounds during finales
  • Moaning and bored voice effects are now chosen to match the displayed player
  • Added more voice hooks for undressing and losing the game per Stripe’s request. (Only partially used by Leah.)
  • Added new undressing poses to Candy’s bedroom lingerie outfit.
  • Vivian is now available to play at the beach in a very sexy blue bikini
  • Sandra’s Halloween witch outfit now features a cauldron and a fun new finale.


  • Leah’s green beach outfit is finally complete and supports many different undress orders.
  • Candy has a new finale in the lounge, and she got Denise to help out.
  • Vivian’s bedroom outfit new has a few new poses.
  • The beach ez-render setup in the render toolkit has been fixed to use the correct lighting
  • Added some extra-wide backdrops for beach and bedroom ez-renders to allow more flexible shots
  • Added support for hats in voice effects


  • Fixed missing nipples on Sandra bedroom undressing image
  • Removed redundant floor clothes on fully dressed Candy bedroom floor poses
  • Added 3 new finales: Sandra in the bedroom, Crystal in the bedroom, and Candy+Vivian Cheerleaders
  • Candy+Vivian cheerleaders outfit now has custom voices
  • Added the ability to separate opponents and bonus outfits into different folders (any folder with opponent_
  • Added the ability to use a customized permanent folder for downloaded opponents
  • If the game detects you are located in Russia, the ladies will refuse to undress and make pro-Ukraine comments instead.


  • Fixed no_clone greetings that were still being cloned
  • Categorized “sneakers” as a shoe to get the correct undress sound
  • Added bedroom outfits for Crystal and Sandra
  • Added strip show feature after winning the game
  • Added more audio teasing after losing the game.

New Stuff

  • New abilities buyback and mulligan when down to two players, and tweaked drinking and starting money.
  • Two new Denise finales

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue in classic mode where female-avatar players could bet extra money past their last article of clothing
  • Changed the way house fees are collected to prevent players with very low cash from insta-losing on the next round.
  • Fixed the finale button panel to actually show the fourth finale button (no players have > 2 finales yet)
  • Folding after doubling up now only nets you the normal $50 instead of $100
  • Fixed an issue where action prompts were auto-skipped if players had $0 in streamlined mode
  • Fixed some errors in Leah’s nun outfit undress sounds
  • Improved Denise’s maid outfit undress sounds
  • Tweaked some repeating voice dialogue to be more unique across players
  • Prevent game from crashing when unknown player references are in the stats file

Game tweaks:

  • Tweaked the player image logic to still show non-finale player images but at a lower rate than finale players
  • Restricted the card redraw cheat to only once per round, and only after the normal card redraw has occurred
  • If someone else folds after you double up, and you had the best hand, they get their normal $50 and you also get $50
  • Updated the avatar outfit picker to randomly pick from the best-fit outfits, instead of always choosing the first one.
  • No longer showing wildcard pictures in response to game events when avoidable
  • Added a customizable setting to control the minimum number of players required to show a composite (useful when testing )
  • Added a customizable setting to control the volume of the music relative to the sound effects
  • Adjusted starting cash in streamlined mode to depend on number of clothes in outfit <3: $100, 4-5: $50, >6: $0
  • Replaced shield and double-up with the new abilities “mulligan” and “buyback” in 2-player streamlined mode
  • Removed the now-unused kind and ruthless AI traits
  • Hiding players cards after the game is finished
  • Reduced the amount of folding/mulliganing/shielding done by random player AIs
  • In classic mode players can now only pawn 1 garment per round max.
  • Buying drinks now costs based on number of players and has a smaller effect
  • Buying drinks effect no longer wears off over time, and is cumulative when buying more drinks
  • Updated README file with new abilities

Asset updates:

  • Moved a number of modesty images and closeups into wildcard folders, allowing them to still appear after the game ends
  • Re-rendered some old candy santa renders to include her missing pubic hair
  • Added a couple extra images to fill out some of the more sparse candy santa states (no new poses)
  • Re-locked the christmas outfits.
  • Added two new finales for Denise’s maid outfit
  • Added mulligan voice assets for all player


  • Candy’s Candy-Cane outfit has been upgraded with new poses, undressing images, status images, closeups, and not one but two finales!
  • Candy, Crystal and Rosie’s Christmas outfits are unlocked and available from the get-go for this release only.
  • New AI trait: poker-faced players comment much less frequently on the quality of their cards
  • Minor voice lines cleanup
  • Added a no-clone option on certain voice lines so they do not get used when cloning the voice to another player
  • Included the backdrop for Stripe’s upcoming Japanese-themed room


  • Added a YouTube video of the gameplay: https://youtu.be/_GLHEJwPT00
  • Update README.txt command-line instructions to add proper amounts of memory
  • Fixed belt unbuckling sounds to be the right length
  • Updated music volumes to be lower and more consistent across the different tracks
  • Added the ability to clone an existing player’s voice into any new player: opponent.voice.clone=leah


  • Sound! The game has sound now! There is now music as well as sound effects, and both can be toggled on/off as permanent settings.
  • Leah is costumed up for halloween in a warrior-nun outfit. There are only a few poses, but there’s a blasphemous finale. Enjoy.
  • There is a README file packaged with the game to help explain the game rules and how to run it
  • Switched to launch4j to create the CSP.exe file. (no more virus false-positives now)
  • More bug fixes and small tweaks:
    • The game now avoids showing an image of the same player twice in a row when possible
    • Outfit data files can customize the undressing sound effect for each clothing, and pick a custom music for the outfit
    • Candy’s bedroom outfit has been moved back 1 layer to clear up some overlap issues with Vivian
    • Sandra’s witch outfit is temporarily unlocked for halloween. (no need to beat one of her other outfits first to unlock it)
    • Packaged the spooky dungeon location from Stripe into the release

Also Stripe has just contributed a new dungeon scene with 2 new spooky opponents Darni and Verna for halloween. Jinkies! You can find his post here. And I hear Swag will be adding some bonus opponents of his own to the dungeon scene soon

Avatar composites: male avatars will now appear in composite images along with the ladies in most locations. Now you have some almost-literal skin in the game! (Special thanks to Stripe for contributing the composite images for Jong and Jamal!)

Persistent settings: preferred game type and avatars will now be saved into a settings file, so they can be restored the next time you play.

New AI traits: Ruthless and Kind player traits will affect whether they choose to finish you off with a well placed shield if they can afford to. If you’re down to your underwear and you’re facing Rosie, buy that shield before she does!

Updated opponents:

  • Denise’s bedroom pajamas outfit is now fully fleshed out, with extra poses and custom stripping images for all her clothes. Enjoy!
  • Candy an Vivian’s cheerleader outfit now requires beating them both at once to be unlocked.

Bug fixes:

  • Saving and reloading no longer nets you an extra $50
  • Picking a female avatar outfit with extra starting cash no longer gives you extra starting cash
  • Fixed a bug where starting a new game with a female avatar occasionally auto-played your first action (poorly)

New feature: Avatar Selection
The new avatar picker in the opponent selection panel will let you choose from 3 male avatars, as well as any of the female players in the game. Your female avatar can appear in composite game images, and will be limited to three garments.
Special thanks to Stripe for providing the avatar images for Jong and Jamal!
New white lingerie outfit for Candy in the bedroom
Candy has a new sexy white lingerie outfit available in the bedroom. With her most outrageous finale yet!
Bug fixes

  • Redrawing multiple times before the regular draws no longer causes the game t get stuck.
  • Opponent selection around duo outfits has been improved, and can no longer result in the same duo outfit randomly selected twice
  • Fixed a misnumbered folder in Denise’s pajama outfit
  • Composite images will only appear if they feature at least two players.

More contributed opponents!

  • McKenzie by SwagMcSwag
  • Shawna by Stripe
  • The gym and coffee-nook location backgrounds for Swipe’s bonus opponents are both included in the game

Updates to Render Toolkit

  • Added an ez-render scene for the bedroom with a prerendered background, pre-positioned lights, and pre-set camera. Drop in your model and render! No room assets required, easy setup, fast renders!
  • Updated the composite render settings for the bedroom to have better-matching brightness and shadows.
  • Candy’s model updated with new tattoo and public hair


Developer Notes:

Each lady has her own play style, can have multiple outfits, with multiple images for each level of undress, and can undress in a different order each game.


  • Unlock special card faces by winning
  • Click a player’s icon to see their image immediately in the slideshow
  • Click the background to hide the HUD and enjoy the slideshow
  • Use the Bluff, bait, redraw and buy-drink abilities to gain an edge
  • Press the escape key to immediately close the game

Upcoming features:

  • More locations, ladies, outfits
  • Sound effects
  • Voices
  • Adding control over which opponent clothing is removed next
  • Mood tracking
  • Player filters on opponent selection screen
  • Web-playable version
  • Simplified poker stripping game

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