Tessa’s Fate takes place on a distant world where the energy that balances life lies within living beings. This power manifests stronger in more complex life forms.
Humans have arrived on this world after causing the destruction of their own planet, Earth. After discovering the magnitude of the New World’s power, some humans began craving it.
Their attempts to dominate this power has endangered the native people of the New World.
You will play as Tessa, a captured native woman that will fight back to bring peace again to her world.
Thread Updated: 2020-10-08
Release Date: 2020-09-17
Developer: 300Rabbitz Itch.io – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.12
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English
Future tags: Multiple Endings
Initial Release
Developer Notes:
– High res lewd art
– Multiple endings
– Multiple choices and consequences
– Metroidvania adventure world
– Discover different places, villages, and enemies!
– Secrets and unlockable content
– And much more!
Current translation project: Mostly Retired – mostly doing bugfixes or very interesting projects.
Open for consultations on game bugs and translation requests. Support Fan translators! Their hard work should be appreciated!