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HTML Abandoned Golden Leaf [v0.2.4.1] [Khroma]

Download links are at the bottom of the post



Are you interested in one of the best colleges in the country? Maybe you are interested in one of the best paid positions in a good company? Or are you just coming to visit the most beautiful places?. Then let me welcome you to Golden Leaf City, a prosperous city that gives oportunities to anyone who is willing to take them.
Golden Leaf City is based on a more futuristic world than ours, but not by that much so don’t expect flying cars or completely functional androids.​

Thread Updated: 2021-06-23
Release Date: 2021-06-23
Developer: Khroma F95zone Repository
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Character Creation, Text Based, Simulator, Female Protagonist, Male Protagonist

Sex-related: Masturbation, Sex Toys


1. Extract and run.


NOTE: if you get an error in the masturbation passage and it says something like “Cannot read propery of ‘some’…” store all your items and just keep the sex toy if you were going to use one. This will be fixed on a later update.

V0.2.4.1 Hotfix:

  • Fixed Sex Shop not opening correctly. Don’t judge, the owner is lazy and sometimes forget to open the shop. (Report by @AvianKnight and lifesuckz69)
  • Fixed Worked Hours not resetting correctly. (Report by @Tyhma)


  • Reworked the sex mechanic system. Now it’s easier to maintain and add new things.


  • Added a system to update old saves. For now, it’s just for some simple things.
  • Changed some flavor text in “Status” about character “virginity”.
  • Added “masturbation limit per session” this mean that you are limited to 2 consecutive masturbations before needing to stop. This amount will be later raised depending on your masturbation trait.
  • Added Plug size limit. Now you can’t use Plugs that are bigger than your comfortable size.
  • Added removal of “virginity” (Vaginal only) by using a sex toy.


  • Fixed incorrect added energy when sleeping/relaxing.
  • Added “online” play. Now you can play directly in your browser without downloading files, you need to go to the game’s Github and hit “Play the game”.

And some other changes that I probably forgot.

V0.2.3.1 Hotfix:

  • Fixed being teleported to Barlow Grove when trying to get inside Frozen Jar at closing hours. (Thanks to tyhmaalamas for the report.)
  • Changed the logic behind working/opening and job hours.



  • Reworked the skill system to move to a more save compatibility way.
  • Removed hunger, hygiene, and fun stats. Energy will stay. Some of the options have been moved to the new system and can be used for future events.
  • Going outside now requires taking a bath at least once per day.
  • New dialogue system.
  • Added more flavor text to Golden Leaf places.
  • Added “ambient” images to some Golden Leaf places.


  • Changed how passage text is displayed.
  • Added Bus system. Now you can travel around Golden Leaf City for just 5 credits.
  • A new way to display messages. Now GLODEX informs you about exp changes or any other message.
  • Added 3 new places. “Black Nectar Corner” (Workable), “Alexandra’s Gym” and “Chrysanthus Park”.
  • Added a fingerprint image to contract.
  • Added shirt and pants images, they are used for upper body and lower body outerwear.
  • Added opening and closing hours to Golden Leaf’s Places.


  • Fixed map moving not updating the time correctly.
  • Changed from UTCHours to Hours.
  • Updated to SugarCube 2.35.0
  • Some places now use ternary operators in their math instead of a widget.
  • Reduced the general size of some buttons
  • Unified traits.


  • Implemented sex toys and their own mechanic. Vibrators and plugs give a passive amount of arousal per passage movement. Dildos can only be used at a masturbation passage. For now, any action using the Anus won’t need any lube later on you will need it to do them. Likewise, anal or vaginal actions for now won’t remove the “virgin” status, later on they will. This status will limit how many multiple “wearable” toys you may use, for plugs later on they’ll have a width and length limit like dildos so you won’t be able to wear them if they are too big for that hole.
  • Added sex shop. Opens at 6 PM.
  • “Reworked” the inventory clothes at the wardrobe. Now you can see what clothes you are taking off.


  • New day state icons.
  • Option to auto-store sex toys. Now you can move them between your backpack and your wardrobe. This option may be added later to all clothes.


  • Modified some bodyparts to their correct term.
  • Removed bodyparts depending on selected gender.
  • Removed unused sensibility variable.
  • Added new tags to clothes in order to work with the new inventory clothes system.

Note: The masturbation system will be reworked completely in a future update.

  • Implemented outfit system. It stores your current clothes (with their respective colors). You can save outfits with a custom name, view their info, update and delete them.


  • Added 12 new clothes. Unified some others, for example instead of “female socks” it’s just socks now.
  • Changed status icons.

V0.2.0.1 Hotfix

  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t eat prepared food. Forgot some checkers from before.
  • Eatable food in the kitchen can now be eaten again.
  • Forgot to add an s to “Rice with Sausages” prepared food.


  • Added color to clothes (Can be turned off).
  • Added skin tone.
  • Added uses to food. Now each food has different usage amounts.
  • Added the GLODEX where you can check your learned recipes and their steps, have an ingredient list (linked to a selected recipe), your traits, character status and skills.
  • Added the library with 3 books for now. More to come later.
  • Added credits (Not the money).
  • Added new map icons. I hate drawing :(.


  • Changed the use of “Normal” to “Common” for character creation.
  • Added “undress all” button.
  • Now you can add multiple items to the shopping cart instead of one per click.
  • Added vegetables.
  • Added traits. For now, only one is obtainable. (Hint: Do you love self-pleasure?). They don’t do much other than level up.
  • Added more ingredients, 3 new recipes and more clothes.
  • Changed backpack slots from 5 to 7.
  • Added “Current amount to spend” when adding items to the cart.
  • Changed how composed name works when cooking food with defining ingredients.
  • Reduced logo size. From 1 mb to +- 450 kb.


  • Fixed image name not being the same as the file.
  • Probably some other fixed that I forgot.

And probably other changes that I forgot or aren’t that important. If you found any bug please pm me or open a issue in the repo.
From this update forward, there will be almost no updates that changes a bit of everything and instead they will be focused on some themes (Clothing, Cooking, Jobs, Sex, etc).

[Major changes]
A lot of proofreading. (Thanks to Nameless Magician and Sorter)
Removed bodystate (Healthy, Good looking, Skinny, etc.).
Expanded a bit of the introductory story. (Thanks Maakhan)
Deleted P.Needs mechanic.
Removed a lot of buttons (Sink passage is gone, optimized “clicking” a bit).
City travel buttons are gone now the only way of travel is the map excluding some places (Grocery Store and Frozen Jar).
Added hair color. (Thanks hanahsolo for the suggestion.)
A lot of code cleaning and optimization.
Added inventory info to sidebar. Now you can see how many slots you have available and what’s inside your backpack.
Added map location. Now you can see where are you at in the map.
Now you can move your food back from the kitchen table to their respective place (Fridge, Spice cabiner, Cupboard).
Now actions that require time uses energy, hunger, fun and hygiene.

[Minor changes]
Added more hair style options. (Thanks hanahsolo for the suggestion)
Cooking minigame is now automatic (in code) and the buttons are randomized.
Removed redudant “Open the” at kitchen passage.
Lowered amount of time used when shopping.
Changed beard size to be more coherent.
Changed how exposed check what parts are exposed.
Optimized masturbation mechanic (This can be seen more at the code than in game).
Changed how the wardrobe is displayed.
Added traits (crossdressing is one) base. They(1) are unobtainable for now. Next update(0.2) will add a way to obtain some of them.

Fixed food preparation making energy variable become NaN/Null.
Fixed being unable to store bought items (Clothes).
Fixed “Ask for work” button not working.
Fixed workedhours to be the exact time required instead of one less.

V0.1.1 Hotfix.

Fixed displaying dadname in the Horeco call. The macro print escaped the “setup.dadname”. (Thanks hanahsolo)​
The watch button didn’t update the passage. (Thanks hanahsolo)​
Doing any action that restored energy didn’t work. (Thanks hanahsolo)​
Modified nipplesize and clitorisize to display old changes. (Thanks hanahsolo)​
Some proofreading for character status window. (Thanks somebodynobody)​

V0.1: Public “release”.
First version released so people can test the game.

Developer Notes:

Hello there! This is my first game and my first serious project. I’m a programmer so sorry if the story writing is bad or makes no sense sometimes (adding to that, english isn’t my first language).

What is currently in the game?

  1. Clothes: Buy clothes and wear them.
  2. Map: Navigate between the streets of Golden Leaf City (Some places in the map have a placeholder image).
  3. Jobs: Earn Credits in Frozen Jar and in Black Nectar Corner.
  4. Shop: Spend your hard earned Credits in available shops(Grocery and Clothes).
  5. Skills: Doing things related to skills/your hobby will give you exp(WIP, leveling up doesn’t give you any benefit, except for cooking).
  6. Food and Recipes: Learn recipes, lvl up your cooking skill and the result will have better “stats”.
  7. Day and Night: Some places are open at night, others are not.
  8. Sex: You can masturbate at some places in your house, some options are limited on your “arousal” level. V0.2.2 Update: Now you can use sex toys!.
  9. Library: Learn about the history of Golden Leaf.
  10. GLODEX: Keep track of your learned recipes, your characters status, your traits and skills.
  11. Outfit system: Save what you want to wear with a custom name!
  12. Gym: Do some exercises (WIP).

Will the game have any art apart from the icons?
I would love to have custom art for the game but unfortunately I can’t pay any artist and my drawing skill are null.

The banner and those icons are some masterpiece.
Yes I know, I made them. Programming is my only “skill” and is the thing that I have more fun when I try to do something. Writing or drawing wears me out after 2 hours so yeah…
Update: Finally I could open a PayPal account, if you want and have the money you could just drop some help at Buy Me A Coffe. So I can hire an artist to do the art of the game :).

What fetish will be included?
Many of them but dont expect scat, vore, transformation or hard bdsm.
I don’t want that each fetish just get a bit of content here and there. I play to matbe dedicate one update entirely to 1-2 fetish to give them some content, so you don’t have 20 fetish, enabled 6 and just get 12 minutes of content in total.

They will be optional?
Of course, you can opt out and if you come across any of that content and you opted out there will be a subtle reference to something is odd there or something like that.

How many updates per hour will be?
Updates per hour I don’t know, but per mont it can range between 2-3 (not including hotfixes) or maybe more. It depends if I need to write (takes me too much time) or programming (takes time but at least I have fun).

There will be more places, streets or the likes?
Yes I plan to add a library where you can learn a bit about the city. And other places too of course.

Can we upgrade our house(s)?
I plan to but not until the game has developed a bit further.

Why some of the places in the map have a “PH”?
PH as Placeholder. I’m not an artist and drawing takes me a lot of time and effort but I end not liking the result so I decided to release it without wasting time in them. If anyone wants to help with icons it’s welcome.

The game is in any repository/git website?
Yes, in GitHub. I will release it to the public when we get to V0.2. Released: Golden Leaf Repo

There is a Discord server?
Discord server is now public! Come join us :). (Remember to read the rules). Link: Discord Server

Important: If you encounter any bug please send me a pm here on in discord or open an issue in the repo page.

Please read Dev Notes before downloading.


Golden Leaf SS (1).png

Golden Leaf SS (1).png

Golden Leaf SS (2).png

Golden Leaf SS (2).png

Golden Leaf SS(3).png

Golden Leaf SS(3).png

Golden Leaf SS (4).png

Golden Leaf SS (4).png

Golden Leaf SS(5).png

Golden Leaf SS(5).png

Golden Leaf SS(6).png

Golden Leaf SS(6).png

Golden Leaf SS(7).png

Golden Leaf SS(7).png

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